Ynys Hywel Learning Community
Provided by Positif Education
Dear Parents / Carers / External Services
A warm welcome to Ynys Hywel Learning Community!
I am delighted to welcome you to our new purpose-built school. Our school was created to educate the amazing young people who reside full time in our homes at Positif Care.
Our school community cares for the individual as a whole ensuring they feel safe and valued. We promote positive relationships and lead by example. We reinforce that in spite of any past difficulties, our young people can still thrive and we endeavour to instil in all our young people the desire to achieve and to succeed. With our care, support and guidance, we firmly believe our young people can accomplish anything.
Our aims and values underpin everything we do here at Ynys Hywel.
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum has been designed in line with the Curriculum for Wales and the 4 core purposes underpin it.
We strive to create a safe, nurturing, engaging learning base from which to build and develop trusting relationships. These are crucial in allowing our young people to feel safe, learn effectively and consequently achieve successful outcomes.
Our curriculum is broad, person-centred and skills-based and is enriched by building on a range of other school-based and off-site educational opportunities. We work towards an inclusive approach to learning that allows all our young people to build skills and make progress whilst relating the learning to real life contexts.
We aim to engage our young people with exciting learning experiences that, over time, will enhance all skills on a holistic level but especially our young peoples’ literacy, numeracy and digital competency skills whilst developing positive relationships and preparing them to become independent citizens.

At Ynys Hywel Learning Community, we aim to care for, support and guide our young people to become:
- Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.
- Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.
- Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world.
- Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.