The Admissions Process
At present, only the young people who are in residential care at Positif Care Ltd can be admitted into Ynys Hywel Learning Community though this may be subject to change.
- Our school is not equipped to accommodate young people who use a wheelchair at present.
The company Directors will review any referrals for a young person coming into residential care. All young people in residential care within the company homes are entitled to education at Ynys Hywel Learning Community provided the Headteacher feels that the needs of their plans can be met.
A: Age
- Is the child within the age range 11-16 (for admission) years?
- Do we have a vacancy for a young person of this age?
- Do we have an appropriate class / house/ group?
- Profile of the young people as a learner.
- Is the young person assessed as NC level 1 or higher?
- What additional learning needs does the young person have?
- Can reasonable adaptations be made to support their inclusion to the curriculum?
c: What are the desired outcomes?
- Does our service allow us to meet the identified outcomes required by the referring authority outlined in the Statement of SEN/Individual Development Plan (IDP)/ Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP)?
- Are there any additional therapeutic needs outlined in the Statement of SEN Individual Development Plan (IDP)/ Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP)?
d: Do we have the information we require?
- Family history.
- Developmental and communication needs.
- History of separations.
- Medical history.
- Educational history with attainment and diagnostic tests.
- Statement of SEN/Individual Development Plan (IDP)/Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP)?
- Previous police involvement.
- Child Protection issues.
- High risk behaviours.
- Contact arrangements for weekends and holidays.
e: A detailed discussion.
- A detailed discussion taking into account the assessment evidence, will take place between the Directors, Headteacher and key professionals to establish whether an educational placement can be offered.
Admissions Continued

If an educational placement can be offered, the following actions will be taken.
- Director to ensure a formal contract is in place.
- Young person will visit their home to meet staff, see the setting and have the opportunity to ask questions. They will also be introduced to the living accommodation and leisure and hobby activities available.
- The young person will also be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the school and its staff and for the staff to learn more about the young person. Some of our young people may be transported to the school from homes further away.
- The young person and appropriate adults are given a tour of the school and will meet the young person’s class teacher. They will be informed how the school is structured and the initial arrangements once the young person joins the school. There will be the opportunity for wider discussions with relevant adults if necessary.
- The young person will be supported by a residential link worker who will take responsibility for their welfare during their stay and ensure that the young person is supported in the residential and school setting. There will also be the opportunity to provide the young person/appropriate adults with any additional information they may need and a prospectus will be provided.